IYC 2014

I am going to share my experince during the IYC 2014 held in Jakarta on November 8. Anyway, do you know what IYC is? Bagi yang gak tau, IYC yang kepanjangannya Indonesian Youth Conference adalah suatu kegiatan dimana anak-anak muda Indonesia dikumpulkan untuk membahas tentang masalah yang ada di Indonesia. Sebenarnya IYC ada 2 program, satunya Forum untuk duta dan delegasi masing2 provinsi, satunya lagi Festival. Nah, aku ikutnya yang festival. 

Di festival ada banyak acara. Kita bisa ngikutin 4 seminar: Politik dan Surprise Session memang udah ditentuin, jd sisa 2 bisa milih sendiri. Aku milih Pendidikan sama Kreatifitas, Inovasi dan Riset. Awalnya mau ambil Lingkungan, tapi udah penuh :( 

Let's just procceed to pictures. As they say, "A picture worth a thousand words." :D

These are what I got...and they are all free!

Two of the countless artworks shown in the ArtSpace :-)

This was taken during the Politik Sejak Dini session. The speakers from left to right are Yeni Wahid, Yunarto Wijaya, and Nurul Arifin

For your information, Ibu Yeni Wahid is the first child of our third president, Pak Abdurahman Wahid / Gus Dur. Pak Yunarto Wijaya was the best graduate of FISIP Unpar and once a banker before he finally found his passion in politics. While, Ibu Nurul Arifin is an ex-actress and now she is the speaker for DPR.

The point is that, we, as young generations, have to know more about politics. Everything is politics. Even our wombs are possesed by the country. One way of participating in politics and being involved in public wisdom is to go right into the system (political party). A country that corrupts is always a country where power is not well-controlled. So be involved, because young people are the ones who have high spirits and oomph to make a change. When young people make an action, there will be a revolution. Pokoknya, suara kita tidak kalah berharga, jadi jangan mau dibeli.

This was taken during the Sistem Pendidikan, Membangun Karakter dan Budaya Bangsa session. From left to right: Iwan Setyawan, Kreshna Aditya (Moderator), Anis Daus, Alpha Amirrachman

Majunya sebuah negara tercermin dari sistem pendidikannya. Gak secara langsung mungkin, tapi akan berdampak beberapa tahun ke depan. Honestly, this session is wayyy mooore interesting than the previous one, but now I don't feel like writing much. #sorrynotsorry

Then suddenly, ada Ernest Prakasa! Agak garing sih, gara2 yg nonton cuma sikit... He made so many movements that I couldn't take a proper photo of him, hahaha

This was taken during the Mengembangkan Inovasi dan Riset session. From left to right: Faza Fairuzza Az Zahra (Moderator), Daniel Oscar Baskoro, Ben Soebiakto, Wempy D Koto
The speakers are amazing, inspiring, and have a good sense of humour... You could see Daniel is wearing Google Glass, haha!

Then again, tiba-tiba keluar G. Pamungkas!! Tbh, lebih lucu dari Ernest :")

This was the Surprise Session! From left to right: Faisal Basri, Sikdam Hasim, and Joe Taslim!!

Habis surprise session, ada waktu istirahat. Makan, makan, trus ada photo booth gratis dari Samsung. Jadi kami foto deh.. I went alone actually, I've tried persuading my friends but no one could make it. So, I met some new friends there! Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos with the others..

OVERALL : I think it was worth it.. Rp125.000,00 for all the experience and stuff, yo?


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