Officially a college student

Finally, back with me again! This time with my sudden late night thoughts.

Now that I think of it, life is really unpredictable. It is actually interesting how life is always throwing me surprises. A year ago, I thought I was going to major in either architecture or food technology. Only months before, I was suddenly sure that I wanted to take Industrial Engineering in Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. Hell, I never thought of studying in Taiwan before. In fact, I dreamt of pursuing my study in Germany – and had actually gone for language prep for a year or so. Yet, here I am, not regretting anything (yet).

I’ve been here for officially two months. The first week after arriving here was exciting, but then again energy draining with all the walks for registration procedures and buying essential supplies to get me through the first year of college. The following few weeks were fun with all the new friends and short trips to various places.

Dinner with International Student of NTHU

2 days 1 night camp held by OC-HISA to Shang Ri La

2 days 1 night trip to Tai Zhong



Made from fresh Tunghai's cows milk


With le sister <3


Biking Day to Bali Island, Tamsui

The famous A Gei

2 days 1 night short getaway to my sister's place: Zhong Li

Lunch at Mr. May : it's totally worth every cent. Ended up eating here for 2 hours with my sister!
Recommended Korean Cuisine Restaurant Saranghae, near Zhong Yuan University

Honestly, I find it hard studying here, mainly because of the language barrier. Fortunately, most textbooks are printed in English (though not all *sigh*). But! Lessons are always delivered in Chinese. Some lessons even have the presentation slides in full Chinese, which is very frustrating as I often have to translate its characters one by one.

And it wasn’t until assignments, quizzes, and exams strike.
Our weekends are now mostly occupied for doing homework and studying.
One thing I notice, staying up late has been taken to a whole new level in college.
When I was still in high school, staying up till 2 is veryvery rare.
Now? It’s normal to get back to the dorm and finally asleep at 3 or 4.

By the way, I just had my Physics midterm few days ago…and it was totally MESSED up.
Now regretting why I didn’t study earlier to avoid the materials piling up, 
ah regrets always come too late anyway.. 
Nonetheless, I decided to go for a run to boost my mood HAHA

Using flash because the lights are out at 11 p.m.

Other kinds of mood boosters:
Waffle <3
Of course, everyone's screaming for ice cream
...and teddy hugs!
(Spoiler: it's from Costco)
And oh, library has grown to be my best friend. So, what do I do there? Mostly anything you can imagine. Be it to read books or reserve a discussion room to study together with the others, print out assignments, or simply kill time before the next class (because trust me, going back to the dorm is much more tiring!) Not to forget, the library has the best bathroom in campus. 
Nice atmosphere, clean, and low-traffic. 
According to a famous idiom in Bahasa, comparing the toilets in the library with those in our dorm is like “the sky and the ground”.

So yeah, to conclude, going to college kind of sucks at the beginning, but honestly guys? I think I am going to be having so much fun here!

Partly because Eddie's here through it all :)


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