Color Run Tour de Sumatra

Hi! Color run hari minggu kemarin untungnya lumayan worth it deh. 

Tiket color run udah termasuk race pack (kaos, sunglasses, gelang, stiker tempel nomor peserta) dan voucher diskon 20% House of Smith harganya Rp100.000. 

Buat yg gak tau, color run itu acara dimana kita marathon gitu sambil dilempar bubuk warna warni atau disiram sama panitia2 di pos2 tertentu yg bakal kita lewati. Sebenarnya intinya sih, seru-seruan bareng temen aja :)

Trust me, you'll want to try once.

Psst, once is enough.

Jam 6 pagi kami udah disuruh ngumpul di SPM. Sebelum marathon dimulai, semua orang ngeluarin hp camera monopod dll untuk foto2. Ofc, we did that too. Here are some of our photos!

Awalnya, kita semua pada jalan santai, rapat-rapat, pengap, sempit, ga seru gitu deh. Bukannya "run", malah masih sibuk foto2 sambil jalan. 

Aku malah ada denger org di samping bilang, "Ini mah bukan color run, tapi color walk!" TRUE.

Memang sih, dalam color run, kecepatan kita lari atau siapa yg duluan sampai di garis finish emang gak dipentingkan. Mungkin ini penyebab kenapa kebanyakan orang males lari, jadinya cuma sibuk selfie sepanjang jalan... Sayang banget deh bayar 100rb tp ga dapet fun-nya *sotoy*

So, after walking for a while, Elisa, Felycia, and I decided to jog. We ran past many people hahaha. Believe me, that was when the real fun began! 

We didn't take any photo during the marathon becos we want to enjoy our time together :)

Akhirnya... Yey, sampai di garis FINISH!

Our shirts are pretty much colored and wet...and we felt sticky....

Thousands of people jumping and dancing around us. More colors were thrown at us. 

We didn't stay for too long though, because we were starting to get bored listening to the DJ's remixes. Yeah, I am not a real party kind of person hahaha

See you!


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