Payakumbuh-Padang 2015

On 10th of January 2015, 6 students (Cita, Vishiela, KMK, Steven, Jayadi, and me) accompanied by two teachers (Sr Heru and Sr Epron) headed to Padang for the first selection of OKTAN (Olimpiade Kimia Nasional). I've never been to Padang before, so I was quite excited yey.

We went off from Pekanbaru at around 9 a.m. After about 3 hours or more, we made a stop for lunch at Bandrek House

Ciri khas rumah Minang, ada runcing2nya. (You know I struggled to take a shot of this "runcing" inside the car as it moved with high speed!)

We stayed at Yenny Homestay. The rooms are clean and it's cheap.

First dinner of the day

Morning walk to the beach before having our breakfast

Registration at SMA 10 Padang

What was I doing... Btw, I teamed up with Cita

KMK with Vishiela

While Steven with Jayadi

After the competition, we went straight to Payakumbuh. On the journey there, we made a stop at Bukit Tinggi 

Jam Gadang

And also...

Wearing bakiak! :))

Kepada Drs. Moh. Hatta, hormattt grakk!

(Almost like) A Family Photoshoot :)) HAHA

Payakumbuhhh! We stayed at Abdi Homestay (Ikbal and Noni), which is located in the middle of rice paddies of Harau Valley. The view here is so breathtaking and the air feels really fresh! It was such an experience to live in these traditional cottages. The facilities include beds with mosquito nets, private bathrooms, and Indonesian food prepared upon our request. I would definitely like to come back some other time :)

360 degrees panorama

I fell down and lost one of my sandals. This is them trying to find my sandal in the muds, sorry! This is indeed unforgettable... 

The splendid view of the sky at night

Playing cards

On the way home, we stopped at many waterfalls. And by many, I really mean lots of them. I think it's nearly 7....but sadly they are all similar. (Well, what do you expect anyway?) We just stopped to take some photos at each place :)

Es Durian dan Sate Padang. I still wonder why the Sate here is not as scrumptious as those in Pekanbaru. Secara, makanan legendaris ini kan berasal dari Padang, tapi kok....

Dalam 3 hari 2 malam, kami lebih mengenal satu sama lain. Semua tanduk-tanduk iblisnya mulai muncul deh. Banyak kejadian lucu yang bikin ngakak. Trip kali ini merupakan salah satu pengalaman yang gak ada terlupakan, ya walaupun gak masuk 40 besar nasional.... :") Ini baru lomba pertama kok, lomba2 selanjutnya pasti bisa lebih baik lagi deh! Sadhu3x *nyenangin diri sendiri* *selfpukpuk*

See you next time!


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