
Showing posts from 2014

Jakarta 6-10 November 2014

Hello again!! This was supposed to be posted shortly after the previous post, but unfortunately, school life got SO busy soon after I got home. So, no time for blogging! Exams are over now, but I still have to go to school for Chemistry Club. We study from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. straight. Crazy, huh? Actually, the main reason for this is to prepare us for the upcoming competition which would be held in January. If things go as planned, we are going to go to Padang. I've never been to Padang before, so I guess it's gonna be another new experience! :D 6 Nov: We arrived at Jakarta at around 3 p.m. We called for a taxi and checked in to Zuri Express. The hotel was nice, it's simple but clean. The food at the cafe is really nice too, considering it's an "express" hotel. That night, we went to the nearest shopping centre which is Mangga Dua Square. Apparently there was nothing there, so we didn't do any shopping. Then, the time striked 8 and we felt like fe

IYC 2014

I am going to share my experince during  the IYC 2014 held in Jakarta on November 8. Anyway, do you know what IYC is? Bagi yang gak tau, IYC yang kepanjangannya Indonesian Youth Conference adalah suatu kegiatan dimana anak-anak muda Indonesia dikumpulkan untuk membahas tentang masalah yang ada di Indonesia. Sebenarnya IYC ada 2 program, satunya Forum untuk duta dan delegasi masing2 provinsi, satunya lagi Festival. Nah, aku ikutnya yang festival.  Di festival ada banyak acara. Kita bisa ngikutin 4 seminar: Politik dan Surprise Session memang udah ditentuin, jd sisa 2 bisa milih sendiri. Aku milih Pendidikan sama Kreatifitas, Inovasi dan Riset. Awalnya mau ambil Lingkungan, tapi udah penuh :(  Let's just procceed to pictures. As they say, "A picture worth a thousand words." :D These are what I got...and they are all free! Two of the countless artworks shown in the ArtSpace :-) This was taken during the  Politik Sejak Dini  s ession. The spea


Hi, hi!! First of all, let me introduce myself. My full name is Priscyntia Devina Yanto, my friends call me Pris or Priscyn. Be careful not to mistype my name! It's neither priscynthia, pryscyntia, nor pryscyntia :) I'm 16 years old at the moment. I've been wanting to create a blog for a while now. So here it is, my first blog is FINALLY created!  ***Actually, this is not my first blog. I have deleted my previous blog (which used to be ). And now, when I decided that I would like to continue blogging and use the same domain name like last time, it has been used by someone :( So, I am obliged to add " - " in between every word...and it turns to beeee... *cheers* In the past few years, I just realized that blogging is quite important and fun to do. As a student, you can exercise to improve your writing skill as well as your creativity, which might be useful to make essaysssssss :/ Moreover, since I a