
Showing posts from 2016

Leofoo Village Theme Park

Hello again! After all those sleepless nights of staying up late to study for midterms, I was on my last legs when I finished the last midterm on Friday. (Correction: last midterm in November, there's still 1 midterm to go in 2 weeks time) So, how's my midterm? Oh. Econs and Mandarin were okay. Calculus was bad.  And Programming was...pathetic. I could only do 1 out of 6 questions lol And I asked myself: "Do those sleepless nights really worth it?!" Anyway, Saturday was definitely the right time to relieve stress. Immediately, we came to a decision to go to: Leofoo Village Theme Park on November 19, 2016 Leofoo Village Theme Park (六福村主題遊樂園) is raved as  one of the best and biggest theme parks in Taiwan. It is a combination of Amusement Park and a Safari, and is uniquely parted into 4 theme areas: "Wild West", "South Pacific", "Arabian Kingdom" and African Safari". This theme park in located

Officially a college student

Finally, back with me again! This time with my sudden late night thoughts. Now that I think of it, life is really unpredictable. It is actually interesting how life is always throwing me surprises. A year ago, I thought I was going to major in either architecture or food technology. Only months before, I was suddenly sure that I wanted to take Industrial Engineering in Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. Hell, I never thought of studying in Taiwan before. In fact, I dreamt of pursuing my study in Germany – and had actually gone for language prep for a year or so. Yet, here I am, not regretting anything (yet). I’ve been here for officially two months. The first week after arriving here was exciting, but then again energy draining with all the walks for registration procedures and buying essential supplies to get me through the first year of college. The following few weeks were fun with all the new friends and short trips to various places. Dinner with International St