
Showing posts from November, 2016

Leofoo Village Theme Park

Hello again! After all those sleepless nights of staying up late to study for midterms, I was on my last legs when I finished the last midterm on Friday. (Correction: last midterm in November, there's still 1 midterm to go in 2 weeks time) So, how's my midterm? Oh. Econs and Mandarin were okay. Calculus was bad.  And Programming was...pathetic. I could only do 1 out of 6 questions lol And I asked myself: "Do those sleepless nights really worth it?!" Anyway, Saturday was definitely the right time to relieve stress. Immediately, we came to a decision to go to: Leofoo Village Theme Park on November 19, 2016 Leofoo Village Theme Park (六福村主題遊樂園) is raved as  one of the best and biggest theme parks in Taiwan. It is a combination of Amusement Park and a Safari, and is uniquely parted into 4 theme areas: "Wild West", "South Pacific", "Arabian Kingdom" and African Safari". This theme park in located