
Showing posts from March, 2016

My 18th Birthday

Turning 18 is a big milestone for many people. In fact, in many cultures and countries, it means being officially an adult with new rights, accompanied with new responsibilities. It may have the meaning of finally getting IC and driving license. Legal drinking age. Lottery. Or rights to vote for elections. Actually, why do we even bother to celebrate birthdays? Well, it's literally one way to provide an opportunity  for family and close friends to come together as to congratulate you for surviving another year in life, but when I think further about it, rather than brushing it off just like another day,  I found a reason to celebrate the day. On my birthday, I count my blessings: what I have today that needed to be cherished before I lose it, and what I had yesterday. This year, my dearest friends, again, went to great lengths to surprise me on my birthday. I never organized a birthday party before. I mean, yes, we do celebrate my birthdays, but it'