
Showing posts from January, 2015

Payakumbuh-Padang 2015

On 10th of January 2015, 6 students (Cita, Vishiela, KMK, Steven, Jayadi, and me) accompanied by two teachers (Sr Heru and Sr Epron) headed to Padang for the first selection of OKTAN (Olimpiade Kimia Nasional). I've never been to Padang before, so I was quite excited yey. We went off from Pekanbaru at around 9 a.m. After about 3 hours or more, we made a stop for lunch at Bandrek House Ciri khas rumah Minang, ada runcing2nya. (You know I struggled to take a shot of this "runcing" inside the car as it moved with high speed!) We stayed at Yenny Homestay. The rooms are clean and it's cheap. First dinner of the day Morning walk to the beach before having our breakfast Registration at SMA 10 Padang What was I doing... Btw, I teamed up with Cita KMK with Vishiela While Steven with Jayadi After the competition, we went straight to Payakumbuh. On the journey there, we made a stop at Bukit Tinggi